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Our programs
& curriculum.

Oxford Early learning Centre provides high quality programs for children that meet with the National Quality Framework for Education and Care Services.

At Oxford Early Learning Centre, our approach to learning is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, which values the child as strong, resilient and capable learners.

Driven by the children’s own passions and interests, our approach celebrates the diverse ways that children learn and express themselves.

Children are encouraged to develop skills in problem solving, hypothesizing, and collaboration. They will be asked to document their ideas build on their knowledge and what they already know in many different ways.

At Oxford we believe in collaborative project based learning. The project involves a process of gathering and analysing information as evidence of what children know, can do and understand and providing them with resources and experiences to extend and build on the topic.

The project approach gives the children opportunities to engage in meaningful learning experiences based on their interests and funds of knowledge. It also focuses on provoking children’s dispositions and their learning in areas of literacy, science and mathematics.

Oxford Early Learning Centre’s curriculum is planned on a weekly cycle and consists of children’s interests, current interest based project, children’s voices, family input, intentional teaching, extension on children’s observations, curriculum reflection. In partnership with families and the educational leader, the educators plan purposeful and meaningful play learning experiences daily.

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is the program that will be utilised at the centre which describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to six years of age, as well as their transition to school.

Core Reggio Emilia Beliefs

  • Children learn through a play based experiences
  • The child is capable of constructing their own learning
  • Community is important and children learn by collaborating with their communities
  • Humans are natural communicators and children should be encouraged to express themselves
  • The environment is the third teacher and must be enriching and supportive
  • Teachers are partners, nurturers and guides to children and help them explore their interests through projects
  • A child’s learning must be documented
  • Parental participation is vital

Oxford Early Learning Centre also provide programs that your child can take advantage of such as:



Yoga classes at Oxford helps the children enhance their flexibility, strength and coordination. Yoga also helps boost children’s self esteem and aid in stress management.

Mini athlete

Oxford Mini Athletes

We align curriculum activities with the Munch & Move initiative that incorporates the 12 fundamental movement skills. This improves their physical development, health, creativity and exploration in their environments.

Language Lessons

Language Lessons

Oxford integrates language classes into the curriculum. Learning about different languages can enhance cognitive development, cultural awareness, and empathy. It can also improve academic performance.

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Oxford’s Environment

Teaching children about sustainability instills an early appreciation for the environment and can prompt lifelong stewardship. Oxford integrates this into the curriculum as it also nurtures respect for living things.

Oxford Indigenous

Oxford Indigenous

Embedding Aboriginal perspective fosters cultural understanding, respect, and inclusivity, which enriches the learning environment by offering diverse ways of knowing and learning.

Mini kitchen

Oxford's Mini Kitchen

Cooking activities are integrated into the curriculum. This encourages skills like science, math and literacy, promoting healthy eating and hygiene habits, building lifelong skills.


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